Extracurricular activités

11:45 Unknown 1 Comments

Extracurricular activités - Is it necessary?

I think that extracurricular activities are not helpful. Mostly, extracurricular programs go along forcibly because schools and parents force students to study more and more. It means that it is not a student's choice. So, students may feel stress about they should study even after school and they will spend hours by doing meaningless things in after-school program. Also, they do not need to study hardly when they are high school students. Do you remember 'high-order function graph' or 'periodic table' that you learned in high school? It is not too important in our life. Students have to learn sociality, cooperation, responsibility and so on that are necessary in social life more than science or math. Students have to hang out outside and experience many things.

1 comment:

  1. Extra-curricular activities help relieve stress and broaden one's horizons. We have an expression in English, "all work and no play makes for a dull girl."
