Nowadays, you can find many sources about depression in the medical section of the newspaper. Depression is a really serious problem because percent of people who has depression are increasing more and more. Why do people get too much stress? When people could not achieve their goal, or people have to get a job in terrible working environment that people just can have a small income, they will feel discouragement and despair. If this situation continues, an error will be occurred in the people’s brain function. The serious problem is that the people are having a potential risk factors as a suicide. Psychologists say that daily life impact of depression is serious, and the people are required to consult with an expert because depression is defined as a mental disorder. But, if you feel just a little depression and stress, just relax and let things flow. You should not be tensed owing to responsibility and intense work. It will make you feel more tired and depressed.
Depression is a very serious and misunderstood problem. It helps if you love what you do in life and try to love yourself.